Grow Financial Federal Credit Union

Holiday Closing learn more

February 3, 2022

2022 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Grow Financial Federal Credit Union (“Grow Financial”) has nominated C. Russell Riley and Hal P. Henning to the Board of Directors for 2022. When there is only one nominee for each position to be filled, the bylaws specify that an election will not be conducted by ballot, and there will be no nominations from the floor. Nominations may be made by petition in accordance with the bylaws, signed by at least 500 primary members and received no later than April 9, 2022. The annual meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at the Grow Financial Corporate Headquarters, 9927 Delaney Lake Drive, Tampa.

C. Russell Riley

B.A. Erskine College; Director of Cloud Services, Enavate (2019-present); Vice President of Sales, DSM (2017-19); Shareholder of Administrative Partners, Inc. (1998-2008, sold company in ‘08 to Tribridge, Inc.); Sales Representative, Lexis-Nexis (1992-96), Manager (1996-98); Marketing Representative, Whittle Communications (1990-92)

Grow Financial Service: Supervisory Committee (2002-05, Chairman 2004-05); Board of Directors (2005 to present, Chairman 2011-13)

Hal P. Henning

MBA Auburn University; B.S. Bowling Green State University; Adjunct Associate Professor and former Director of Academics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (1989-2015); Treasurer, MacDill Memorial Park Foundation (1994-2006); Treasurer, Tampa Bay Chapter of the American Red Cross (1996-2004); Colonel US Air Force (retired)

Grow Financial Service: Board of Directors (1990 to present, Chairman 1995-97 and 2005-07)

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