Grow Financial Federal Credit Union

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Woman completes a mobile check deposit with her phone with "Mobile Check Deposit" text overlayed
June 27, 2022

Mobile Check Deposit: Snap a Picture, Deposit a Check

Do you know about our convenient mobile check deposit? It’s easier than ever to deposit checks to your account — without needing to stop by a Grow store. With Grow Mobile Banking, you can use your mobile device to deposit checks by simply snapping a picture.*

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Grow Mobile Banking app.
  2. Select Deposit Check from the menu.
  3. Endorse your check with your signature and write “Mobile Deposit at Grow.”
  4. Take a photo of the check front and check back, following the prompts.
  5. Select Deposit Check.

That’s it! For most members, the money from mobile deposits typically posts to your account within one to two business days, with at least $500 posting immediately.

Tips for depositing a check through the app:

  • Use clear writing.
  • Take the photos on a dark background in a well-lit place.
  • Close other apps running in the background for the best experience using our app.
  • Save the check in a secure location for 90 days, then shred it for safe disposal.

We hope this simple mobile check deposit option will help you get access to your money quickly and safely, all from the comfort of your home. If you do want to visit a Grow location, our store team members would be happy to help you in person. Find a store near you.

*Additional data charges may apply. Please see your wireless carrier for more information.

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